1. They decreased the size of the mag.
Now why on earth would they do that? seriously their size before was just perfect. It made the mag stand out among all other mags. Now sadly they've changed to the normal boring A4 size; might even be slightly smaller than A4 for all I know. Saddening
2. The posters for the coming out issue ain't that great.
The posters featured in the new issue is not only smaller in size its also not that nice. Have you seen the posters featured before? Well, they were awesome, not so much in this issue though.
3. This isn't so important but, CHRIS BROWN is on the cover!!!
I mean excuse me! Hello.... anyone got a memo that he's a women beater?? Ok I admit that i know nothing about running a mag, but seriously.... I thought that only people you admire and respect should grace the cover of magazines. For crying out loud why is Chris Brown on the cover? if you want to make the theme CB and Rihanna then put Rihanna on the cover instead of CB. Instead CB is gracing the cover and Rihanna is a mere speck in the bottom right corner.
4. Where did the lyrics section go to??
Ok what happened to my favourite part of this mag? I used to look forward to the lyrics section in this mag all the time. I'm very disappointed to see that its not there anymore. I hope that this is only a major glitch and that the lyrics section will be back. Honestly why kill one of the best parts of the mag?
5. The increase in price.
Whoa I got ready the usual RM 4.50 to buy the new issue. When I saw it in the newsstands I grabbed it straight away, noting the size difference though. When I was gonna pay the guy looked at me and said "RM 7.00 dah naik harga dah" I was like wuuuutttt.... Whoa it went up a startling RM2.50. Seriously what happened to it being the cheapest and best magazine in the whole of Malaysia. Ok maybe they need to cover up for the whole changing their look thing, but seriously RM7.00 has it ever occurred to them that most students and adults alike love them because they're cheaper and way better than other mags. I'm one of those people but now I'm thinking twice.
That's all I can think of right now. The whole change is quite a disappointment. Saddening enough to make me hope and pray that they make slight minor changes to their whole "new look" GALAXIE what on earth have you become?
xoxo, babyJ